Airbow Systems

Once. Done.

Airbow began when a small group of builders in New Zealand decided to address the less-than-ideal performance of their framing guns. The new system allows the gun to effectively transform one gram of compressed air into enough power to consistently drive a nail home every time.

User Analysis & Research
User Experience
Brand Roll-Out
Graphic Design
Retail and POS
Airbow Systems
Year completed:
Project Link:
CE Case Study →

ThoughtFull Design

Design Lead:

Geoff Suvalko

Airbow Quick Guide

The guide will be first time users introduction to the product and its technology. The main goal was to give users a distilled snapshot of the framer and instil them with the confidence to get to work straight away.

Process and User Testing

The first step involved research into best practice around product manuals and finding relatable examples for each proposed step. The user process was then roughly photographed to begin fleshing out the proposed journey. Two testing sessions were held with professional builders. Insights into the guide and its relation to the product were gathered through audio and photographic documentation. Feedback was then unpacked and the quick guide was adjusted accordingly. Once the final informed outline was solidified high fidelity illustrations were produced and the final document was produced.

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