Levi Strauss & Co

Levi's Mix Tape

Levi Strauss created the worlds first blue jeans in 1873 and today remains the definitive source for jeans-wear worldwide. Levi Strauss South Africa sources, designs and manufactures product within South Africa that is specifically tailored to our local market.

Fashion & Beauty
Communication Design
Graphic Design
Print Design
Packaging Design
Levi Strauss & Co
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Levi Strauss South Africa believes in the power and beauty of South Africa's local talent and supports local music and design. The Levi's® brand celebrates individual differences by allowing the wearer to express their originality through matching their individual style. It is with that in mind, that for Fashion Week 2006, Levi Strauss South Africa has collaborated with local young designers who will each bring their own inspiration to create a truly unique fusion.

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